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Weddings are supposed to be the ultimate celebration of love and commitment, a day where everything goes according to plan and everyone lives happily ever after. But what if the fairytale ending turns into a nightmare? We’ve compiled a collection of stories from people who witnessed the ultimate wedding faux pas – the objection. And trust us, these tales are not for the faint of heart. So fasten your seatbelts, put on your safety goggles, and get ready for some wedding fireworks because it’s about to get wild.
#1: Good One, Dad
It seems like we have a little prankster in the house! The way the dad slipped ice down the back of the writer’s shirt just as the officiant asked for objections during their uncle’s wedding is the perfect recipe for a memorable wedding moment. You can just imagine how awkward this moment would have been…

It’s hilarious how the dad found humor in what is meant to be a serious and solemn moment. Let’s hope the bride and groom saw the funny side of it and didn’t hold it against the dad for spoiling the solemnity of the occasion. After all, weddings are meant to be joyous and filled with laughter!