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When it comes to New York City, there are so many different types of people, cultures, and things happening at all times, which is part of the magic of what makes New York City, New York City. Considering that New York City is geographically an island, it makes sense that New Yorkers themselves might feel as though they act differently from other people. And no matter how hard you might try, there is no way to adequately sum up how it feels to actually call yourself a New Yorker. So we have brought in a little help to help fill in the gaps. Dan Saltzstein, food, dining, and travel U.S. Senior Editor at the New York Times called upon all New Yorkers to Tweet a response to “What’s the most New York that’s ever happened to you” and the responses will have you saying, “Only in New York”…

#1: Spanish Lesson On the Go
Is there anything more New York than being stuck in traffic or at some sort of standstill and you can’t do anything about it? Chances are that you are on the way to somewhere important and being held up probably isn’t helping calm down your nerves.

But then again, is there anything more New York than someone offering to help you with your homework when you are stuck on the subway? There always seems to be this confusing New york hospitality when you aren’t sure if someone is going to help you or hurt you.